Teamasaurus Team A Successful Team

A Successful Team

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What makes a team successful? Winning, right? That seems to be the criteria of professional teams. Athletes are paid to win. Coaches are paid to win. Contracts stipulate incentives for winning. An additional 10,000 if we beat this team, another 25,000 for winning this tournament.

College sports also have this winning theme. Coaches contracts incentivize winning. NIL contracts, while not tied directly to winning, still tend to favor winning teams and players.

Even High School sports favor winning. Money is no longer as much of a factor. But potential future money is, as well as the hopes and dreams of many players and coaches which come with winning. Fame shines brightly for many high school athletes. The more fame, the higher their social status. And fame also seems highly correlated to winning.

But is winning what drives success for youth teams? For many, the answer is still a resounding yes. Many kids keep score even when scores aren’t kept. And many parents too. Even some coaches look to exploit the rules in the interest of winning. I’ve even had kids wish for another kid to play in their place as it would give us a better chance to win in a game where scores were not kept.

Winning is highly ingrained in our sports and our ways of life. And, even though a bit unfortunate, it is a factor of a successful team even with very young players.

But a successful team can be so much more, especially at the youth stage. And the right coach can make that so. That’s what Teamasaurus is about. We’re helping coaches, particularly those moms and dads leading youth teams, to become the leaders of teams that strive to improve, work together, have great sportsmanship, respect and encourage each other, build lasting friendships, and even get the other parents involved in the fun.