Teamasaurus Dinners Whip It Up in Minutes: Easy Frozen Pesto Shrimp and Vegetable Pasta

Whip It Up in Minutes: Easy Frozen Pesto Shrimp and Vegetable Pasta

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We’ve all been there – a busy day, a hungry family, and not much time to spare in the kitchen. Fear not, for we have a solution that’s not only quick and easy but also absolutely delicious. Introducing our “Frozen Pesto Shrimp and Vegetable Pasta” – a meal that comes together in minutes straight from your freezer.

The Allure of the Frozen Aisle:

The frozen food section often holds the key to quick and convenient meals, and our Pesto Shrimp and Vegetable Pasta is a prime example. By utilizing frozen shrimp, mixed vegetables, and pre-cooked pasta, you’re just a few steps away from a wholesome and satisfying dinner.

Assembly Made Simple:

The beauty of this dish lies in its simplicity. Start by boiling the pre-cooked pasta – a task that takes mere minutes. Meanwhile, sizzle up some frozen shrimp in a skillet until they’re beautifully pink and opaque. Add a mix of frozen veggies, and watch as vibrant colors and enticing aromas fill your kitchen.

The Star of the Show – Pesto Sauce

Enter the hero of our quick meal – pesto sauce. Spoon it into the skillet, coating the shrimp, veggies, and pasta in a burst of flavorful goodness. The convenience of pesto sauce not only elevates the taste but also cuts down on prep time significantly.

Recipe: Frozen Pesto Shrimp and Vegetable Pasta


  1. Frozen shrimp (peeled and deveined)
  2. Frozen mixed vegetables (such as broccoli, bell peppers, and peas)
  3. Frozen pre-cooked pasta (like tortellini or your preferred type)
  4. Pesto sauce
  5. Parmesan cheese (optional, for topping)


  1. In a pot, bring water to a boil and cook the frozen pre-cooked pasta according to the package instructions. Drain and set aside.
  2. In a large skillet, cook the frozen shrimp over medium heat until they are pink and opaque
  3. Add the frozen mixed vegetables to the skillet and cook until they are heated through
  4. Spoon in the pesto sauce, coating the shrimp and vegetables evenly
  5. Add the cooked pasta to the skillet, tossing everything together until well combined and heated through
  6. Optionally, sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top before serving.

Toss and Serve:

Once everything is heated through and well-mingled, it’s time to bring it all together. Toss the cooked pasta into the skillet, ensuring each bite is infused with the delectable combination of shrimp, vegetables, and pesto. A sprinkle of Parmesan cheese on top adds a finishing touch.

Quick, Easy, and Irresistible

In a matter of minutes, you’ve transformed a handful of frozen ingredients into a restaurant-worthy meal that your family will love. The Frozen Pesto Shrimp and Vegetable Pasta isn’t just about convenience – it’s about savoring a delicious and satisfying dinner without the fuss. So, the next time you’re pressed for time and craving something delightful, head to the frozen food aisle and whip up this quick and easy masterpiece. Your taste buds will thank you!