Teamasaurus Team Teaching Young Basketball Players to Pass and Play as a Team

Teaching Young Basketball Players to Pass and Play as a Team

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Basketball is not just about scoring; it’s also about teamwork and the art of passing. For young teams still mastering dribbling and team dynamics, learning to look for open teammates and passing the ball effectively can be transformative. Here’s how you can teach young players the importance of teamwork and the skill of passing in basketball.

1. Emphasize Teamwork Over Individual Play

Start by instilling a team-first mindset. Explain to the kids that basketball is a team sport and that working together is key to winning games. Encourage them to cheer for each other and celebrate both individual and team successes. This builds a supportive environment that values teamwork.

2. Demonstrate the Basics of Passing

Show the different types of passes – chest pass, bounce pass, and overhead pass. Explain when and why each type is used. Demonstrations can be more effective than just verbal instructions, so actively show them how it’s done. Let them practice these passes in pairs or small groups.

3. Practice Drills that Encourage Passing

Create drills that require passing to complete. For example, set up a drill where players must pass the ball at least three times before attempting a shot. This encourages them to look for open teammates rather than going straight for the basket.

4. Teach Them to Be Aware of Their Surroundings

Awareness is crucial in basketball. Teach players to keep their heads up and eyes open to see the whole court. This helps them spot open teammates and understand the game’s flow, making them better at deciding when and where to pass.

5. Reward Selfless Play

Recognize and praise players who make smart passes and help their teammates. This can be more effective than only applauding those who score. Highlighting selfless play encourages others to follow suit.

6. Use Fun Games to Reinforce Concepts

Incorporate games that focus on passing. One example is ‘Pass Tag,’ where players must pass the ball to avoid being tagged. This makes learning fun and reinforces the importance of quick, accurate passing.

7. Encourage Communication

Teach players to communicate on the court. Calling for a pass or alerting a teammate to an open space can significantly improve a team’s passing game. Good communication builds teamwork and understanding among players.

8. Be Patient and Offer Constructive Feedback

Young players will make mistakes. It’s important to be patient and provide constructive feedback. Encourage them to learn from their errors and keep trying. This builds resilience and a growth mindset.

9. Share Examples of Great Teamwork

Show videos of professional teams where effective passing leads to great plays. This not only teaches them techniques but also inspires them to emulate positive team behaviors.


Teaching young basketball players to look for open teammates and pass the ball is a crucial part of their development in the sport. By emphasizing teamwork, practicing passing drills, encouraging court awareness, and celebrating selfless play, coaches and parents can help young athletes become not just better players, but also great teammates. Remember, the lessons learned on the basketball court about teamwork and cooperation can benefit them off the court as well.